Flag of the
UK |
Ephraim &
Menasseh |
Flag of the
US |
A |
Dominion That Stretches "From Sea to Sea" |
America and Britain -- The
Meaning of Names |
An Astonishing
Truth About Israel! |
Ancient Celtic/Scottish Sites in New Zealand? |
A Sacred Nation |
B |
Britain and the European
Union -- A Different Take on Revelation 18:4! |
British-Israel Doctrinal
Problems |
C |
Captivity of Israel |
Type: The Pioneering Stock of Shem |
Children of the Mist: The
Story of the Scottish Highlanders! |
D |
Danes and Jutes: Dan and
Judah-Dan |
Did Captive Israel Build
Assyria's Capital City? |
DNA of Europe and "True
Jews"? |
Does Queen Elizabeth II
Sit On a Throne of King David? |
E |
Enemies at the Back Door |
Ephraim and Manasseh: Role
Reversal Refuted! |
Exiled Israel In the
Cities of the Medes |
H |
Hakluyt --
Prophet of Britain's Westward Expansion |
Hebraic Origin of
the English Language |
Heirs of
Jacob-Israel |
Hosea -- The Prophet for
Our Time |
House of Israel -- The
Connecting Evidence |
How Israel
Came to Britain |
I |
Identity TRUTH Under
Attack |
Introduction of
Christianity Into Great Britain |
Israel in the
Dells |
Israelite Burial Found In
Siberia |
Origin of the Scythians |
Israelites-Scythians-Sacae-Saxons |
Israel's TWO Infallible
Signs As Stated By Moses |
J |
Joseph of Arimathea and
King David's Throne in Britain! |
L |
Lost Israel's "Further
Country" |
M |
Mottoes and Symbols of
Manasseh-America |
N |
New Light On Ancient White
Migrations |
O |
Origin of the Saxons |
Q |
Queen Elizabeth II -- A
Daughter of Destiny! |
S |
Scythian "Sacae"
-- The Asian "Sons of Isaac" |
Sons of Joseph |
T |
The Greatness of Britain
and America |
The Hidden People |
The Tribal Emblems of
Israel |
The USA and the British
Commonwealth in Bible Prophecy |
The USA-Zion Deception |
The Woman of Samaria |
Twelve Tribes! Twelve
Tribes! |
U |
United States and the
British Empire FORETOLD in the Bible! |
W |
Will the Lost Tribes
Return? |
Y |
Yeshua -- The Good
Shepherd of Israel! |